Details and how to use baby sleepingbag
Under the sleepingbag, you can wear a long-sleeved bodysuit or pyjamas. If it is very cold, we suggest combining both garments with our jacket on top. Our advice is to keep them warm or cover them up just as we would do, because they are children, they are not more or less cold.
If they sleep in the cot, the inside of the cot retains a little of the heat given off by the child, so the temperature inside the cot is a little warmer than in the bedroom - especially in the spring and summer months. We therefore recommend keeping them as warm as we do, or even a little less warm.
The old trick of putting your hand inside the sleeping bag and checking that your baby's body is warm helps to indicate whether you have dressed them correctly.
Under the sleeping bag, you can wear a long-sleeved onesie or pyjamas. If it is very cold, we suggest combining both garments with our sleeping bag on top. Our advice is to keep them warm or cover them up in the same way as we would do, just because they are children, they are not more or less cold.
If they sleep in the cot, the inside of the cot retains a little of the heat given off by the child, so the temperature inside the cot is a little warmer than the bedroom - especially in the spring and summer months. We therefore recommend keeping them as warm as we do, or even a little cooler.
The old trick of putting your hand inside the bag while they sleep and checking that their body is warm helps to tell us if we have dressed them correctly.
In addition, our sleeping bags have zips at both ends, making nappy changing easier, and have a zip protector to prevent rubbing against the baby's skin.